News Original

SUMHLC President Addresses Substance Use and Mental Health

SUMHLC President/CEO delivers speech on substance use and mental health at a seminar held at Pawtucket Country Club

Important Announcement Regarding the End of SUMHLC’s Contract with LearnUpon

The Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of Rhode Island (SUMHLC) would like to inform all participants that our contract with LearnUpon will be ending on April 4th, 2025.

SUMHLC’s New TRAIN RI Program Commercial!


John J. Tassoni Jr. Appears on The Rhode Show!

Better Lives RI We help people better their own lives by providing hope and support for a better tomorrow and food security and homeless services to get through today.

Convergence RI Features The Leadership Council In This Week’s Newsletter!

ConvergenceRI: What advantages does TRAIN RI bring to the discipline to set it apart from other competitors? TASSONI, JR.: For decades, the Leadership Council has served as a central hub for training and technical assistance. We have been building strong relationships with the provider community that distinguish us from others. These partnerships are crucial in making a positive impact on local workforce and development, and also addressing the unique challenges specific to Rhode Island. We continue to be committed in working with our local partners working in various fields. Our new training program will allow us to continue to collaborate with local providers and community members, support workforce retention, and assist with recruitment and on-boarding at many of the local agencies. We offer a multitude of continuing education units (designed for) social workers, chemical dependency and mental health counselors. Additionally, we are keeping the price of our trainings affordable for those seeking to upkeep their licenses, or who are newly applying.

The Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of RI Announces raining Resources And Information Network of RI (TRAIN RI) Initiative

Warwick, RI – The Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council (SUMHLC) has announced a pilot training program designed to address workforce needs in Rhode Island. The Training Resources and Information Network of RI (TRAIN RI) will offer a range of affordable courses taught by experienced instructors that cover essential topics for professionals in mental health and substance use addiction. TRAIN RI will offer CEUs for professionals looking to renew or obtain their professional licenses.

RI DATA Breach: RIBridges System Alert

RIBridges Alert*** On December 13, 2024, the State was informed by its vendor, Deloitte, that there was a major security threat to RIBridges, the system that manages many of the state’s social services programs. Additionally, Deloitte confirmed that there is a high probability that a cybercriminal has obtained files with personally identifiable information.

NASW RI Chapter Awards Ceremony 2024

The NASW RI Chapter’s 2024 Ceremony celebrated the tireless efforts of local professionals who advocate for and uplift individuals, families, and communities in need. Their work touches lives, fosters positive change, and strengthens the fabric of our society.

Recovery TV Makes it to the Billboard!

Recovery TV is now in billboard rotation thanks to “Lamar Gives Thanks!”

Important SUMHLC Training Announcement

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We are sad to announce that we did not win the bid for the new BHDDH training contract. Our current contract ends on November 15,2024.

Opioid Treatment Program: Going from Theory to Practice

L Hurley
With her compassion and knowledge, Linda Hurley, CEO of CODAC Behavioral Healthcare in Rhode Island, is able to convince corrections staff of the benefits of methadone and buprenorphine. But it isn’t easy. In a webinar on using medications to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) in correctional settings this month, Hurley provided clear advice with examples from real programs, including her own. Hosted by the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD), the webinar focused on the importance of providing treatment in justice settings. As AATOD CEO Mark Parrino said in introducing her, there is now a great need for compassionate care, adding that this is also the time “to go from theory to practice.”

The Leadership Council at East Bay Recovery!

The Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council sets up a table at Easy Bay Recovery Center!