Dear John,
As you may know, Governor McKee has issued Executive Order 24-04, Establishing the Health Care System Planning Cabinet. In the Executive Order, the Governor declared that:
“The HCSP Cabinet shall engage and solicit broad input from an array of stakeholders, including but not limited to EOHHS’ Independent Advisory Council under R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-7.2-7, and other stakeholders that have an expertise in various areas.”
EOHHS is excited about the structure of the planning process and has always been committed to the importance of a vibrant public/private partnership for the work. We also know that many organizations are already deeply involved in the variety of active planning processes that have been happening throughout state government, such as the Workforce Transformation planning, the Cost Trends Steering Committee, the Commission on Health Advocacy and Equity, the Governor’s Overdose Task Force to name a few.
We recognize the hard work that has been happening within these groups – and so we plan to structure the Advisory Council to include leaders from these existing partnerships as well as representatives from consumer groups and advocates, provider organizations, business, labor, and academia.
Today, I am writing to invite the Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council to participate in the EOHHS Independent Advisory Council and to ask you to be their representative on the Council.
At the first meeting, we will have an introductory discussion about the goals and expectations for the Health Care System Planning Cabinet and the work of the Independent Advisory Council. We will review data and levers that the State will use in our planning process and seek your input on the planning process.
EOHHS has also engaged a project team from JSI to support a formative research process. As part of this effort, JSI is conducting a series of informational interviews with key public and private stakeholders to gather perspectives. As a member of the EOHHS Independent Advisory Council your perspective and voice are critical. I am hoping that you will agree to participate in a 60-minute virtual interview with staff from JSI.
Ana P. Novais
Assistant Secretary